Artistic Expression
My soul thrives on, not only the visual beauty that I have the privilege of seeing daily being surrounded by God’s creations, but also by the images my mind supplies for me when my eyes are closed. As many artists will tell you, these beauties are food for the soul and that is absolutely the case for me. I am never without a creative thought and a new picture in my mind. I consider this a wonderful gift that has been given to me, therefore I try to put this gift on canvas to share with others. I hope that through my paintings you will feel that passion that goes into every painting I paint, and enjoy them as much as I enjoy painting them for you.
These paintings, left, are hanging in the ENTOne offices.
Her Hands
As we sat in the church and my wife’s hand rested on my knee I got to thinking about the history behind one’s hands.
The wrinkle of time doesn’t tell of the compassion, the calming they extended, the difficulty of sternness, and the holding onto what mattered. The hard work that passed through them and the aches and pains as many situations were righted. The healing they exalted and how each day they awoke to the challenges of the day. There was cooking, cleaning and many tasks in directing the days’ activities. And yet there they are, scarred, wrinkled, and relaxed. Bless those hands of time.