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The most common problems we treat involving the nose include nasal obstruction, nasal drainage, and nosebleeds. Nasal obstruction can be due to a deviated septum (estimated to affect up to 80 percent of people), enlarged turbinates, and weak cartilage that causes collapse of the internal nasal valve. Oftentimes, over the counter and prescription medications can treat swelling due to infections or allergies. In some cases, surgery is required to correct anatomic issues that contribute to the obstruction. Septoplasty surgery corrects a deviated septum on an outpatient basis, done through the nostrils without external bruising or nasal packing. Enlarged turbinates can be treated with radio frequency energy to shrink their size while maintaining their function of cleansing and humidifying air. This is an office-based procedure known as inferior turbinate reduction. Another condition known as Nasal Airway Obstruction (NAO) may be relieved with Lastly, weak cartilage in the nasal sidewall may collapse inward when a patient inhales. Sometimes, this can be treated by inserting an absorbable nasal implant inside the nasal sidewall with little risk of changes in appearance. Learn more about latera implants here:

Nasal drainage can often be caused by allergies. This usually responds to allergy medications and sometimes requires evaluation and treatment by an allergist. If medications are ineffective, an office procedure called cryotherapy is a minimally invasive office treatment where cold temperature disrupts signals from nasal nerves to stop runny, stuffy nose symptoms. A treatment known as RhinAer can be effective. Learn more at

Nosebleeds (known as epistaxis) affect 60 percent of people in their lifetime. They are especially common in the high desert, dry climate of Colorado. Nasal moisture can help significantly. For some people, office-based cautery, in which the blood vessel is sealed with chemical silver nitrate, can be very effective and also painless.

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